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SUmmer programming survery

This survey aims to gain insight into what families are interested in for summer programming at Little Woods Preschool.

Child's Birthday
How many days of the week does your family anticipate needing summer childcare? Check one box, or two if not sure yet.
What days of the week would you be interested in?
How flexible are you regarding the days you selected above?
Those days are our top preferences, but could be flexible to another schedule.
Those days are the only days that would work for our family.
Would you be interested in committing to the entire summer, billed monthly? (vs 2-week camps like last summer) Program would run June 2 - Aug 15 with a week-long break over 4th of July. Month of August would be billed as 1/2 month.
Would you be interested in 2025-2026 school year enrollment for your child?
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